Leather handbags are a royal way to go out!

Leather handbags are a royal way to go out!

They say diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but leather handbags are the real MVPs. What else holds your wallet, phone, lipgloss and adds the finishing touch to any outfit? Whether you’re heading to the office, a formal event (ahem, a summer wedding), or even to the gym, you’re bound to have a leather handbag at your side. Lavenir skins recognised the importance of good leather handbags for women and launched their first leather handbag collection to showcase their favorite leather handbags. From beaded vintage bags to free-spirited crossbodies to structured satchels, Lavenir skin’s got you covered. Visit their website and flip through for the best handbag styling tips and inspo.


Unclip the existing strap, or just tuck it inside the leather handbag, then knot the ribbon to whatever hardware is attached to the bag. A single knot will look much nicer than a double knot, but you may want to add a couple stitches with a needle and matching thread to make sure it is secure.

Trim the excess ribbon and paint a thin strip of superglue along the edge to stop it from fraying. Do not apply the glue directly to the ribbon as it is easy to accidentally use too much. Either paint it on with a small brush or squeeze a dollop of glue onto some scrap cardboard and gently run the cut edge of the ribbon across the cardboard.

Finally, add some fun little bag charms to one side. You know, just because. Get your one good basic leather handbag and revamp it!